Schools (Public/Private/HOME/CHARTER)
Youth Groups (Church, Clubs, Scouts, Teams)
Parent Groups & PTAs
Special Need Alternatives
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are over 98, 817 elementary and high schools in the United States. There are 102M youths under age 18 per the latest census numbers and since 1890, the US Education System has utilized the K thru 12th-grade matriculation delivery model
America's Schools Need A Makeover
The teaching delivery style has stayed the same since the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in the 17th Century. So, in the 400 years since the Massachusetts landing, a lot has changed in America: The People have changed. The Country has changed; life and it's influences and capabilities have changed but throughout all that dynamic and dramatic change, how we teach children in schools has stayed the same. How bored and put off would we be if we had to wear the same clothes or perform the same daily routine or listen to the same lecture for 400 years! Boring would be an understatement; disinterest and lack of motivation would be understandable and expected.
So, let's consider life in the 21st Century: it's more violent and chaotic and brazen; it's heavily bombarded and negatively influenced by media, social media, the internet and celebrity. Mental illness is prevalent and alcohol & drug abuse (prescription and illegal) are widespread and commonplace. Nothing is sacred or off limits, not even the sanctity of children. Everybody and anything is prey or victim in the pursuit of a buck or for a cause--and the children aren't being spared. Schools have steadily been required to do more to provide life and social services to tens of millions of youths all across the U.S. On a daily basis students come to school carrying the pressures of the world on their shoulders.
Schools are action-packed beehives of activity. Every classroom has a different dynamic. Every student has a different personality and can come to school daily with an unexpected problem or situation that negatively engulfs unknowing classmates and teachers. This 21st century has seen such increases in violence, bullying and neurocognitive disorder (ADHD et al) at schools that having metal detectors and School Resource Officers in-building are a necessity.
With our innovative and unparalleled neuroscience infused tools and program materials, we enable schools to change the atmosphere to one of harmonious behavior throughout the student body. We take into account the social, clinical and entertainment influences on youths that affect their behavior and attitude while at school. No other school resource program is as comprehensive in its approach and resource materials as is CUP GM.
We help change the atmosphere at the student workplace. We stop the bullying and unruly, distractive classroom behavior. Our program tool-set also encourages role-model responsibility in the upper classmates.

Pump It Up At Your School!
Schedule An Education Pep Rally
It'll Change Unruly Behavior &

We're Not Trying To Talk About Anybody Or Step On Any Toes But. . .
Let's Be Serious,
Were Kids This
Adorable in
We're Just Saying ...
You Gotta Admit, We put the Cute and Smart in Adorable...Give It Up, Don't Hate.

NeuroCognitive BAT Adjustment (NBA) EFFECT
To transform the hectic atmosphere that is present in the majority of schools to one where it is an Atmosphere of Calm. In taking a NeuroCognitive Behavior and Attitude Adjustment (NBA) approach, CUP GM program toolsets have a positive effect on unruly behavior and lead to a more harmonious student body thereby reducing incidents of bullying and harassment. The goal is to create a focused but fun environment and workplace where students are excited and anxious to come to school and perform at their academic optimum.
Expected Impact and Benefits
There is no increase in teacher classroom responsibility. It's mainly a peer/student led, ownership approach. Teachers and staff oversee/ensure accountability and manage expectations.
+ Improved Attendance
+ Improved Classroom Behavior
+ Decreased Bullying & Harassment
+ Improved School Atmosphere (Fun-filled, Calmer)
+ Increased Academic Focus
+ Improved Student Unity & Harmony
CLassroom IMproved Behavior
Unleashes Progressive Potential
The CLIMB UP Program transforms any school into the 21st-century model where the entire student body is motivated and excited to be at school. The bullying and disrespect and bad behavior stop and the fun and comradery and academic performance increase. It's not school, it's the country club! It's the place to be and the spike in attendance and good behavior is proof positive that school is the neuro fun place to work.
Climb Up Crew
The student-owned Behavior Reward Activities engine of The CLIMB UP Program. Great for elementary and high schools. To become a member of the Climb Up Crew means you are a student body leader or influencer as well as set a shiny example of improving grades. The Climb Up Crew is the most innovative application of Neuroscientific BAT Adjustment. Think of it as the ultimate leadership responsibility and rewards program for students. This program is an overlay to any school culture or environment and is guaranteed to produce the desired intent and result. It's been tried, tested and proven in over 13 elementary
and high schools serving over 10,000 students, teachers and parents since 2006. It methodically utilizes all the strategies, content and merchandise of Climb Up Gear & Media.
Education Pep Rallies (EPR)
Brings members from the stakeholder community to schools to encourage and reward students for their academic improvement and focus. EPRs literally bring the party to your school and drives
attendance up as well as gather student pledges for improved attendance & performance in school and community behavior.
+ Improved Behavior
+ Increased Attendance
+ Stakeholder Involvement
+ Student Leadership Rewards
+ Academic Performance Recognition
+ In-School Education Neuro Concerts & Parties

We Provide
Schools & Parents With
Customized Materials
To Improve Astuteness,
Behavior & Neuro~Traits
Enrichment Activities
Parental & School Support
* Nationwide, Since 2006
NBA EFFECT ON Youth Groups, Teams, Home-Schools, Parochial Schools
Perhaps even more so, due to limited contact but also because of the ability to have a greater impact on a smaller focused group, CUPGM Neuroscience Infused materials should be in use. Expectations and results should be higher.
+ Leadership Development
+ Increased Responsibility
+ Improved Executive Function Skills
+ Improved Behavior
+ Improved Academic Focus
+ Lifeskills Development
+ Team Building
+ Character Enhancement
+ Confidence Development
+ Special Talents Programs